Summertime isnäó»t just for zombie-ing out in front of the TV or video games (well not all the time, anyway). Finding activities to fill time can be particularly challenging for working parents, especially if your children lean more to creative than athletic aspirations.
There are a surprising number of day camp options for kids with a flair for illustration, photography, performance or other artsy talents.
Hereäó»s a listing of some creative arts camps weäó»ve scoped out and others compiled from and
Note: If you commute to Hillsborough County, visit the Arts Counciläó»s listing of summer camps for options closer to work.

American Stage
163 Third St. N., St. Petersburg, 727-823-1600, Ext. 201
Whether your child has theatrical flair or needs inspiration to come out of his or her shell, American Stage has a staff of trained professionals who meet the needs of kids in K-2, grades 3-5, and 6-8. Summer Camp will be held at First Presbyterian Church in downtown St. Petersburg. Note: Camps for grades K-5 are sold out, but there is a waiting list.
Central Park Performing Arts Center
(formerly known as Largo Cultural Center)
105 Central Park Drive, Largo, 727-587-6751
Two new three-week theater day camps focusing on productions of æHairspray Jr. æ(May 30-June 17) and The Lion King Jr. (July 17-Aug. 5) help campers develop audition skills, solo and ensemble voice, choreography, prop and scenic design. It will all culminate in a final performance to showcase the campersäó» skills and talent. Also this year, the Technical Theater Production Camp will teach scenery, rigging, audio, video and lighting skills and students will apply what is learned to a final sound and lighting spectacle. Camp starts July 25. Scholarships and before and after care available. Click here for more City of Largo camps.

Summer Art Camp with Miss Griffin at the Suntan Arts Center
3300 Gulf Blvd., St. Pete Beach, 727-367-3818,
Young artists can explore painting, drawing, sculpture; develop and enhance their confidence in their creative skills and abilities. Students will work together exploring art history, learning about different art media and experiencing culture of different artists and origins. The objective: to help kids find their artistic voice. The Session 1 camp, äóìNature Wonders,äó takes place June 19-23; Session 2, äóìExplorations in Paint,äó is June 26-30; Session 3, äóìArt Around the World,äó runs July 10-14; and æäóìPrintmaking: the Art of Inkäó takes place July 17-21. Early Bird Special of $200 for applications registered and paid by May 1. Suntan Arts is located at the Don Vista Cultural Arts Center, æ(next to the Don CeSar), St. Pete Beach. Email Linda Griffin at for information.
Belleair Parks and Recreation
918 Osceola Road, Belleair, æ727-518-3728
Adventure in Arts Camps are sold out; waiting list available. Space is still available for the Drama Camp June 5-9.
Creative Clay Inclusionary Summer Arts Camp
St. Petersburg, 727-825-0515,
Each camp explores different aspects of Art Around the World using different materials as professional artists work with kids of all abilities. Weekly camps for children ages 6-11 at the Cultural Arts.

Dunedin Fine Art Center
1143 Michigan Blvd., 727-298-3322
Children ages 4_ to 14 can participate in 10 weeks of activities involving drawing, painting, drama and dance. Click here for more details.
Florida Film Academy at Eckerd College
4200 54th Ave. S., St. Petersburg
Students work together as a film crew to make their own original short films, gaining experience directing, editing, acting, on and behind the camera, writing and with teamwork. Click here for more details.
The Marcia P. Hoffman School of The Arts
at Ruth Eckerd Hall
1111 N. McMullen-Booth Road, Clearwater
One-week performing arts camps are available for many ages and experience levels in musical theater, drama, music, dance and on-camera: Belleäó»s Timeless Tales for ages 5-7, Tip Tap Toes: Dancers and Singers for ages 6-9, Star Warsä¢ Jedi Knights for ages 8-10, School of Rock for ages 11-14 and Dance for Musical Theatre for ages 13-18. Students ages 13-18 can enroll in a special three-week performance camp, Bye, Bye Birdie. The camp is July 10-29 and no experience is necessary. Students enrolled in Bye, Bye Birdie camp will have the opportunity to audition for special performances at the Capitol Theatre on Thursday, July 27 at 7 p,m., Friday, July 28, at 7 p.m. and Saturday, July 29 at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. The performances will be directed by Jack Holloway; musical direction by Yohance Wicks and choreography by Christopher Liddell. Individual instruction and tuition assistance are available for any student wishing to strengthen his or her performance skills.
Morean Weekly Arts Camps
This yearäó»s summer camp at the Morean Arts Center and Center for Clay offers a variety of creative activities for aspiring artists ages 4-16, May 30-Aug 4. Art Camp at the Morean Arts Center takes place at the Morean Arts Center,719 Central Ave., St. Petersburg. Clay Camp will be held, naturally, at the Morean Center for Clay. 420 22nd St. S. Also available: teen Camps in photography, glass, jewelry, clay and more. Half-Day preschool classes for 4-to-5-year-olds will be held at the Morean Center for Clay. Click here for more info.

NoiseMakersäó» Rock äó»näó» Roll Summer Camps
St. Petersburg, 727-345-7472,
Campers will learn the basics on how to play guitar, drums, keyboards, bass, ukulele and more. There will also be interactive games, song writing, music reading, instrument making and lots of listening to music from around the world. Each session will end with a concert on a local stage. Ages 5-12. $200 per week includes T-shirt, musical instrument, class photograph, CD of childäó»s own music and more. Four weekly sessions run June through August, half-day, mornings.
Painting with a Twist
Various locations,, 813-839-2409
Participants age 7-14 will learn about various visual artists and cultures and paint their own daily masterpiece inspired by the artist/culture of the day. æProgram developed by certified elementary art instructor. Paint, brushes, canvas and lunch provided. Local artist will give step-by-step instruction. Cost is $40 per day per child or $175 per week per child.
Sunscreen Film School Summer Camp
620 First Ave. S, St. Petersburg, 727-420-0566,
Campers will learn to craft stories, write screenplays and render them into a completed movies. At the end of camp, participants will see their films screened for a live audience. Subjects include writing, directing, cinematography, acting, lighting, sound and more. Ages 14-18. Studio@620.