Florida Writer

Recently, the University of Tampa’s Macdonald-Kelce library invited me to read my story “Pablo Escobar” for its UTWrites series. The story is part of the Tampa Bay Noir anthology, which… Read More

3: Landscapes and Desolation

Blog 3 The word that’s been bouncing around in my head so much these days is “desolation.” Usually, when I use that word in fiction, I’m referring to a place…. Read More

Kerouac in St. Pete

October 1, 2020 | By Margo Hammond Honoring the Beat Prophet in his Adopted Hometown . . .  “‘A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown.” – Matthew 13:57… Read More

Creatives and Suicide

  I lost a longtime friend to suicide a few weeks ago. She was strong, vivacious, successful, well-traveled and smart. If you ever met her, you would remember her –… Read More

Cindy Stovall, Arts Ambassador

I am a career nurse, manager and corporate educator turned journalist. In nursing, my particular expertise was in the areas of critical care, pediatrics and post anesthesia care. I have… Read More

Reading Nature

August 7, 2020 | By Margo Hammond . . .  On walks through my neighborhood in south St. Petersburg — a daily ritual I have adopted during this time of… Read More

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