On Ingenuity

With some caveats (see one below), research concludes that grit is a strong predictor of success.1 If you can dust yourself off and get back up after a fall or… Read More

Marrying Maracuyá

Marrying Maracuyá By: Sara Ries Dziekonski 4/23/21 Blog #21   Hello Wonderful People! Here’s some exciting news: my latest collection of poems, Marrying Maracuyá, is fresh off the press from… Read More

Project Finished

Project Finished By Chelsea Catherine Blog 21: 4/22/2021   Last week, I finished final edits on my novel, The Harvest. When I started the Emerging Artist program, my goal was… Read More

Happy Earth Day!

St. Petersburg is a peninsula, so we are surrounded by water. We have a huge amount of coastline, a delicate ecosystem whose health and balance hang on our every action. Infrastructure is complicated at best. … Read More

Why Do We Make Art?

Why Do We Make Art? By Mason Gehring April 19th, 2021   This writing selection was part of my graduate Arts in Medicine program at the University of Florida. Humans… Read More

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