Froilán Escobar

Froilán Escobar González was born in San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba in 1944, where he grew up and completed primary and secondary education. In 1961, he moved to Havana where, later, he would begin university studies in journalism. In 1963, he met José Lezama Lima and took part as a disciple in the Delphic Course. He began that year as a journalist at the Hoy newspaper. In 1966, he went to work for Juventud Rebelde. Hejoined the group of “Los Doce Apóstoles”, young poets who, together with Jesús Díaz, founded the cultural supplement El Caimán Barbudo in 1966. From 1968 to 1970, he was a journalist for the magazine Cuba Internacional. From 1980 to 1990, he was part of the team at Somos Jóvenes magazine, where he became editor-in-chief. During the years 1988-1989, as an adjunct professor at the Faculty of Journalism at the University of Havana, he taught Interview and Reporting. On two occasions he received the National Critics’ Prize in Cuba for his works “The Old Woman Who Flies” (1990) and “Martí a Flor de Labios” (1991). In 1992 he emigrated to Costa Rica and began his career as a teacher at the San Judas Tadeo Federated University and became Dean of the Faculty of Journalism of said institution. Almost all of his novelistic work has been produced while in Costa Rica. He won the Aquileo J. Echeverría National Prize and the Áncora Prize for his novel “She Was Where It Was Not Known.”

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