A Musician’s Life Part IV

We are now in Week 9 or so of the quarantine and things are finally starting to open up.  I have been trying hard to keep the practicing momentum going.  There are so many other things one can do while home and unemployed.

I am one of the lucky ones as I have my own reed business that has continued to receive and send reed orders, all-be-it, much less demand and less orders on the board,  but i am thankful to have that.

With this pandemic, many businesses have not only closed temporarily, but closed for good.  My company is small, and seemingly insignificant but we were able to be a part of the PPP (Payroll Protection Program) and I just received a paycheck for the first time since March 15th!  This was a very welcome site in my dwindling savings account.

I have learned a tremendous amount using the Zoom platform and how to teach virtual oboe lessons!  I am thrilled to announce that my job with The Tennessee Governor’s School For The Arts will be offered online.  The oboe students that auditioned and the four that were accepted into the program last February, before the pandemic hit, have agreed to be a part of this wonderful summer program!  This means a busy  June is in store.  Continuing to perfect the craft of virtual teaching is my new mission.

I am looking forward to being busy once again!


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