Selling Art Online (blog post #4)

Selling Art Online.

By Steven Kenny

The Covid-19 pandemic is forcing galleries, auction houses, museums, arts organizations, and artists to rely almost exclusively on the internet to attract and hold the public’s interest. Luckily, the momentum to reach buyers electronically has been growing for a very long time. Brick-and-mortar establishments that had a strong online presence in place before all this started had a great head start. Those who didn’t are racing to fill that void.

As the visual arts industry begins to slowly and cautiously open its doors again, it is safe to say things may never return to business as usual.  Still, I’m very optimistic.

I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve sold work to buyers having only seen a digital image on their computer screen. The first time it happened, I was completely amazed and held my breath after the art was delivered, waiting for the bad news that the customer was disappointed after seeing the painting in person. I’m happy to say that news has never come. Fingers crossed.

I’ve always been a do-it-yourself-er. I maintain my website, photograph my own artwork, make my own frames, and professionally pack my paintings prior to shipping — all from the comfort of my studio. At this point I have it down to a science. Over the years, the learning curve has been steep at times but I feel grateful now to have stubbornly managed my business that way.



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