Annual MUSE Awards Return for 2019
Recognizing arts and culture contributions in St. Petersburg for the sixth year.
By SARAH TELESCA | Jan. 24, 2019
It’s time again for the most exciting arts-recognition benefits in St. Petersburg: MUSE! The 2019 MUSE Award celebrates community members and artists who have achieved excellence in visual, performance and literary arts, as well as patrons of the arts who have generously supported artistic endeavors in St. Pete.
Standing apart from other artistic award ceremonies, MUSE promises to be engaging and fun with interactive digital art, pop-up performances, and artful by-the-bite dinner courses—guests are also encouraged to dress in creative “pARTy” attire to further encourage the creativity and spirited nature of the vibrant arts community of St. Pete.
MUSE 2019 Award winners include:
VISUAL ARTS: Mark Aeling of MGA Sculpture Studio. Mark is an accomplished master sculptor who has been living and working in St. Petersburg since 2005, having since made numerous sculptures that are installed throughout St. Pete and the rest of the nation.
PERFORMANCE ARTS: John Lamb, jazz musician. John is a renowned jazz bassist and former member of the Duke Ellington orchestra, and has been a longtime St. Pete resident.
LITERARY ARTS: Sterling Watson, author and teacher. Sterling is the author of five novels and a Professor of Literature and Creative Writing, as well as the Director of the Writing Workshop at Eckerd College.
PATRON OF THE ARTS: Lisa and Perry Everett, collectors and local artist supporters. The Everett’s fell into art collecting through their passion for decorating their home with local art—they find that their impact can be felt most when they support local artists individually, and continue to grow their network of artist friends and collection of artwork.
ARTS AMBASSADORS: Jennifer and Jeff Lovelady, SHINE Mural Festival and local artist supporters.
SPECIAL VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION: Edel Mohr, Photographer and author of “Murals of the Sunshine City”
The 2019 MUSE Awards and celebration will take place at the museum of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg stating at 7pm on Friday, February 8th, 2019. You can purchase your ticket for $125 here. Also available is the option to be a sponsor, with ticket costs starting at $500 for two guests—exciting perks are included which will be announced soon!