Arts In Podcast – Bahia Ramos

Bahia Ramos recently spoke at the Art of Marketing and Branding Summit hosted by Creative Pinellas.

She serves as Director of Arts at New York City’s Wallace Foundation, and leads the team responsible for the foundation’s work funding research by arts organizations around the country, as they explore a larger question that affects the entire arts community.

Bahia explains the five-year relationship she has with grantees, as they help create a body of knowledge that can be shared to help arts organizations nationwide.

She shares her thoughts on the crucial business of philanthropy, on growing new audiences and how to change your art as the world around you changes.


Find out more about the Wallace Foundation at

Explore their five-year project, Building Audiences for Sustainability –

Their research is available for anyone to read. Here’s a selection from many pages of documents you can download.  

Audience Building and Financial Health for Nonprofit Performing Arts

Ballet Austin: Building Audiences for Unfamiliar Works–discussion-guide

Change in Audiences in American Theaters

 Arts for All: Connecting New Audiences

Studies in Building Arts Audiences and Building Deeper Relationships


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