ART BUSAN Was A Success

The Work I Shipped To Korea Sold!

I am very happy to write that Klamp Art Gallery in South Korea sold 5 of my paintings at Art Busan last weekend. Woohoo!
They also informed me that they plan to put up a solo show of my work in July! Very exciting indeed. I’m not sure if I will travel to
Korea for the opening but that would be a dream.

Here the paintings that sold.

The Princes Pride

Blacker Still His Tongue

I forgot to record the title of this little 6×6 before I packed it. I tried to explain that the title was written on the back of the painting but
I think they misunderstood and because the title was not included in the inventory list it was listed as untitled. Now someone in Korea owns this
and thinks what is written on the back is untitled. Ha!


Everything In The Universe
Everything In The Universe is a painting that references the decent of the divine into matter. It appears to be expanding as if filling with breath or exploding like the universe. It also references a song by Leonard Cohen. According to all religions and wisdom teachers, Humanity is flawed with the potential for enlightenment, or salvation, or the end of suffering, depending on which you subscribe to. This painting reminds of our nature and our potential.

In addition to these paintings selling, I am excited about a few upcoming magazine articles, shows, and a call for art in Sarasota that I was
recently selected for. The call is for the Fruitville Road Roundabout. I had originally applied to the call and received a runner up position.
I don’t know what happened but I was recently contacted letting me know that they will be revisiting this call and have now asked if I wish
to continue. YES!!

More Soon!

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