Historic Veto Eliminates Arts Funding for Pinellas County

Last week’s historic veto of nearly all state arts funding threatens millions in support for almost 50 arts organizations in Pinellas County. Despite the setback, residents are encouraged to support local artists and arts organizations, as the arts generate significant economic and social benefits for the region. Creative Pinellas remains committed to meeting the needs of our cultural community…. Read More

Thanking Our Arts Teachers

Just one special teacher you connect with can make a huge difference. We asked artists to share the teachers who they want to thank, for helping them become the artists that they are today…. Read More

Emerging Designers Showcase at the Dalí

The Dalí Museum invites creative teens each year to learn the intricate art of fashion design – and runway presentation – while creating work inspired by Salvador Dalí. These emerging artists share their… Read More

Exploring the Arts Annual

Exploring the current Arts Annual exhibit as sculptor Don Gialanella shares how he developed his new large-scale work, “Climate Change Evolution.”… Read More

Postcards from Pinellas

By Jennifer Ring. On my recent arts scavenger hunt from North County to South County, I explored many ways you can enjoy arts and culture in Pinellas County…. Read More

“I’ve got forests growing inside me”

By Sara Ries Dziekonski. These are poems from the workshop I facilitated at the Gulfport Senior Center, by a wonderful group of four women. Every week we read poems, wrote poems on our own and community poems, and shared our creations…. Read More

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