Trails of Sean

Trails of Sean

Living as a native of St.Pete for the majority of my life I am no stranger to the homeless population. If anything they’re amongst the most memorable faces within  the city. A constant reminder to give when I am in abundance and to care and understand when I am walking less fortunate paths. The St.Pete trail is one of my preferred routes through the community. Passing by serene water ways and brilliantly hued wild flowers it reminds me that nature is where we should naturally be.

Trails of Sean

Sean is one of few natives I often see on my brief excursions. He’s either resting peacefully or working out as if the gods themselves could not rival his strength. On this particular day I was on my way back to my art studio when I noticed him sitting very still on the side of the trail. He had his left hand placed over his face with his right over his stomach. A feeling I’ve encountered more often than not. No words were spoken for he sat so motionless I assumed he was in deep meditation. I pressed on to the studio with the his image carved into my mind. Knowing that if I brought if from concept to finished piece I’d have the perfect words and resources  to return and give back to the source of my inspiration.

Gaillardias are symbols of bravery

All along the trail there are different types of wild flowers all rivaling the last in beauty. One that stuck out to me most is the Gaillardias, due to their fiery hue.

The Mythological

Noticing many no trespassing signs on natural lands is less than desirable at times. Art in this way gives me the chance to rewrite history. “Can I trustpass with you?” Is asking permission from the land or person to share space or aspects about oneself in a safe environment.

An understanding heart warms all who R graced with its presence.

Messages from fortune cookies have a way of inserting themselves in my works.

Trails of Sean

After the completion of this piece I returned back to the trail a few days later to find Sean sitting in the same position as he was the day I saw him. This is when I asked him his name he said it was Sean I told him I seen you the other day meditating or praying I wasn’t sure so I let you be. I just wanted to let you know that you are seen and you are loved you are strong and resilient and brave and I created this piece In honor of you. After our brief conversation I continued on my path. I looked back to see that he had risen and began jogging and working out continuing the fight of life.
As pillars of the community our opportunities to inspire and uplift are in constant abundance. It takes nothing but time and a little love to change the course of someone’s life for the better.

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